Is Substance Abuse Common
Substance abuse is a subject that can still have a stigma with your friends or family. It’s one of those “hush, hush” topics that many feel ashamed to speak about. Because of this, it makes getting help for those who are addicted challenging.
Due to it being a subject that many don’t want to discuss, it can seem that not many people struggle with it. However, we understand firsthand how many struggle with substance abuse problems.
Is Addiction A Family Disease?
Addiction can impact more than just those struggling with it. Friends, family members, and children can all feel the effects that addiction causes.
Anxiety vs. Panic Attacks: Understanding Key Differences and Solutions
Most people have heard of a panic attack and have a general idea of what that means. But when they hear the words anxiety attack, they assume it means the same thing. However, anxiety attacks can be viewed as something different than panic attacks.
Addicted To Social Media? 4 Tips To Break The Cycle
Social media isn’t just a way to stay social for some people – it becomes a full-blown addiction. We often think of social media addiction as happening to teenagers or young adults. However, anyone at any age can become addicted to social media.
Anxiety And The Affect It Has On The Brain
The relationship between anxiety and our brain is a complicated one. Not only is anxiety caused by a reaction in our brains, but our brains are also affected by anxiety, as well. To help make more sense of this complicated relationship, let’s go over the effect that anxiety has on our brains.
What Are Anxiety Attacks And How Are They Caused?
Dealing with anxiety is never easy. When it starts to feel ramped up, it can seem as if you won’t find any relief from it. At some point, most people will experience anxiety at least once in their lives. Anxiety attacks, however, are a completely different ball game.
Is Health Anxiety Normal?
It seems we all worry about our health a little more these days. Being in a widespread pandemic for years hasn’t made us feel confident in our health.
What Are Some Causes Of Drug Addiction?
There is a lot of stigma surrounding drug addiction. A lot of misinformation, as well. One of the misconceptions out there is that someone “chooses” to become an addict. As if someone woke up one-day thinking, “I’ll give addiction a try!”
We could go on and on about the stigmas surrounding substance abuse and every little way most people have this wrong. The focus of this post is not on the misinformation. Instead, we want to focus specifically on what can cause addiction.
Families And Substance Abuse: How Are They Affected?
Addiction is a disease that is really hard to manage on your own. What many don’t understand or even some professionals is that addiction goes far beyond just the usage. It’s the mental, emotional, physical, and interpersonal aspects as well.
4 Tips For Dealing With Frustrating Family Members During The Holidays
The truth is, we can’t help at some point but feel frustrated by family during the holidays. As nice as it would be if we could all say our families don’t annoy us to some degree, that isn’t always the case. Even though they may be frustrating to deal with, there are definitely ways to handle this that are healthy. And, these tips are really useful for any time of the year, regardless of the holiday season!
Substance Abuse And The Affect On Parenting
Addiction wreaks havoc on the lives who are affected by it. Not only for the person who is going through the addiction. But for anyone else in their life who they are close with personally. Here are just some of the ways that substance abuse affects parenting.