Substance Abuse And The Affect On Parenting

Addiction wrecks havoc on the lives who are affected by it. Not only for the person who is going through the addiction. But for anyone else in their life who they are close with personally.

There’s no question that everything we do, in some way, can impact our children. The good, the bad, and everything in between. Unfortunately, substance abuse problems are more common than most people believe. With that said, it isn’t surprising that there are a lot of children or teenagers out there who are dealing with a parent’s addiction, too.

Here are just some of the ways that substance abuse affects parenting.

Addiction During Pregnancy

No matter if a parent is drinking or using substances during pregnancy, it can have significant consequences for the child later on.

During this development stage, it can affect a child’s growth, and increase their chance of developing an attention disorder, or a mental health disorder. It can also increase the chances of organs not developing fully.

Addiction Can Carry On Through Generations

Addiction can be a hard cycle to break. Especially when it runs through the generations of a family.

Genetics can play a role in addiction. But, so can environmental factors. If a child grows up in a home with an addicted parent, it increases the chances of them becoming addicted to something later in life. Part of this is because drug or alcohol use is so normalized that a child may not fully realize that this isn’t happening in other households that they know.

Simple, Basic Needs Are Often Not Met

Children growing up in a home with substance use issues may not have the basic necessities that they need. This doesn’t just mean being provided for in terms of food, clothes, or clean water to drink. Although, it certainly can include any of those.

Children need far more than that. They need to be given attention, love and talked with each day. Help with homework, school projects, or getting back and forth to sports activities. To feel supported and guided as they navigate the challenges that come with academics, a social life, and growing up in general.

The Experience Can Be Traumatizing

Watching a parent struggle with addiction can leave a lasting mark on a child’s mind. As they grow up, they will start to understand more and more that what they are experiencing isn’t normal.

It not only affects their current life but their future as well. It is common for children to grow up not fully understanding the lessons in trust, love, and safety that other children do.

Financial Problems

Substance abuse comes with more than an emotional and mental cost. It also has a massive impact on finances, as well. These issues can directly impact children by them not being able to access basic need or wants to help sustain them.

Getting Help

Here at the Recovery Collective, we have the understanding and experience to help the Adult Child of the Alcoholic/Substance abuser. The same can be said for the parent on the mend trying to better themselves.

If you are struggling to adapt due to addiction and/or mental health concerns reach out to us today so we can help you deal with anything that comes your way. We have a team of practitioners that can support you through Addiction Counseling and other supportive services.


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