What To Expect from A Substance Abuse Evaluation
Unfortunately, many people throughout the world are struggling with addiction. In a 2022 study, it was estimated that 20.4 million people were diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder in the United States alone. That is a startling statistic, considering only 2022 newly diagnosed individuals. Likely due to the pandemic, the number of people struggling with addiction is only rising.
The positive side to all of this, at least, is that awareness about addiction is also increasing and making access to substance abuse treatment easier. However, easy does not equal simple. The truth is, there are a ton of paths someone could take to get help, which can feel complex and overwhelming. This is when a substance use evaluation can be a powerful jump start for someone and starting recovery.
The Advantages of Acupuncture: Exploring the Path to Holistic Healing
In our pursuit of optimal health and well-being, we often seek alternatives to conventional medicine. Acupuncture, a key component of integrative and holistic healthcare, has been gaining popularity as a natural and practical approach to healing. As part of the Recovery Collective in Annapolis, MD, we embrace the principles of classical Chinese medicine and recognize the benefits that acupuncture can bring. We will delve into the advantages of acupuncture, explore why people are drawn to this ancient practice, and provide insights into the timeline for experiencing its benefits.
Discover What a Life Coach Does – and How It Can Benefit You
Do you possess the edge, the potential for greatness, but struggle to maintain sharpness? Many of us know what needs to be done, yet we often fail to take the necessary actions to follow through on our goals. We find ourselves repeating self-limiting narratives: "I am not wise enough,” “Brave enough," or "I am not courageous enough." What truly hinders our progress is not our inherent skillset but rather the gripping fear of failure.
How To Help Someone Who Is Battling Addiction
Watching someone go through an addiction is heartbreaking. You see the turmoil it is taking on their life. How it is impacting their work, relationships, physical and mental health.
Addiction is something that impacts millions of people throughout the United States alone. Addiction, for everyone involved, is a completely overwhelming experience to go through.
4 Soothing Ways To Support Someone With Anxiety: A Comprehensive Guide
Knowing that someone you care for has anxiety is hard to deal with. We don’t want to watch someone suffer or feel on edge constantly. But, at the same time, we often don’t know how to help someone deal with their anxiety. There never seem to be any right words that will magically make it better. As much as most of us wish there were a magic wand to help with anxiety, there isn’t one. However, that doesn’t mean there are no ways to help with anxiety.
Supporting someone with anxiety is a little easier than many people think. Here are four soothing ways to help.
Is Substance Abuse Common
Substance abuse is a subject that can still have a stigma with your friends or family. It’s one of those “hush, hush” topics that many feel ashamed to speak about. Because of this, it makes getting help for those who are addicted challenging.
Due to it being a subject that many don’t want to discuss, it can seem that not many people struggle with it. However, we understand firsthand how many struggle with substance abuse problems.
Is Addiction A Family Disease?
Addiction can impact more than just those struggling with it. Friends, family members, and children can all feel the effects that addiction causes.
Anxiety vs. Panic Attacks: Understanding Key Differences and Solutions
Most people have heard of a panic attack and have a general idea of what that means. But when they hear the words anxiety attack, they assume it means the same thing. However, anxiety attacks can be viewed as something different than panic attacks.
Addicted To Social Media? 4 Tips To Break The Cycle
Social media isn’t just a way to stay social for some people – it becomes a full-blown addiction. We often think of social media addiction as happening to teenagers or young adults. However, anyone at any age can become addicted to social media.
Anxiety And The Affect It Has On The Brain
The relationship between anxiety and our brain is a complicated one. Not only is anxiety caused by a reaction in our brains, but our brains are also affected by anxiety, as well. To help make more sense of this complicated relationship, let’s go over the effect that anxiety has on our brains.
What Are Anxiety Attacks And How Are They Caused?
Dealing with anxiety is never easy. When it starts to feel ramped up, it can seem as if you won’t find any relief from it. At some point, most people will experience anxiety at least once in their lives. Anxiety attacks, however, are a completely different ball game.