S 2 Epi 68 Craving Relief: Uniting Behavioral Therapy and Buddhist Wisdom for Addiction Recovery

Cravings can be a daunting challenge on the path to sobriety, influencing not only substance addiction but also behaviors and food choices. Our latest podcast episode, "Mastering Cravings: Uniting Behavioral Therapy and Buddhist Wisdom for Addiction Recovery," hosts Luke DeBoy, a seasoned therapist, and Zaw Maw, an experienced Buddhist practitioner, explore powerful strategies to manage these intense urges.

Understanding Cravings: Beyond Substance Addiction

Cravings extend beyond substances, impacting behaviors and food choices and significantly affecting moods and overall well-being. The episode delves into the Buddhist concept of craving (dana) as a source of suffering. It discusses how integrating ancient wisdom with behavioral therapy can help break the cycle of addiction. One key strategy introduced is the three R's: Recognize, Reduce, and Relocate, which guide listeners in effectively navigating their cravings.

Therapist Tips: Recognizing and Managing Cravings

Mindfulness as a Key Tool
A critical component of managing cravings is mindfulness. Learning to distinguish between "being the craving" and "being with the craving" can significantly diminish its power. This subtle shift in perspective is emphasized as a core technique for reducing the intensity of cravings.

Practical Tips for Craving Management (These are just a few that we discussed)

  • Rubber Band Technique: A simple yet effective method discussed in the episode involves using a rubber band on the wrist. Snapping it gently when a craving arises can serve as a physical cue to shift focus and disrupt the impulsive response.

  • Maintaining Good Sleep Hygiene: Poor sleep can exacerbate cravings and negatively affect mood. The hosts suggest strategies such as reducing screen time before bed, establishing a consistent sleep routine, and spending time outdoors to improve sleep quality.

  • Navigating Social Situations: Recovery can be especially challenging in social settings. The episode offers tips like attending events with supportive friends, having a cup in your hand makes it easier to say no when offered alcoholic beverages, and having an exit plan for uncomfortable situations. Open communication with trusted individuals who support your recovery journey is also crucial.

Finding Fulfillment Beyond Cravings

Engaging in Meaningful Activities
The episode emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Whether through creative outlets like music, physical exercise, or spending time in nature, finding healthy ways to meet emotional needs can reduce the reliance on substances or unhealthy behaviors.

Mindfulness Practices
Practices such as deep breathing exercises and meditation are highlighted as effective tools for managing discomfort and reducing cravings. These mindfulness techniques help individuals become more aware of their internal experiences, making it easier to cope with urges.

The Role of Community Support in Recovery

The power of community support is a recurring theme in the episode. Sharing personal struggles with others can lighten the emotional load and foster a sense of connection and understanding. The hosts share their own experiences, underscoring the importance of being proactive in managing triggers and leveraging support systems.

To further support listeners, the episode introduces a new subscription service, the Collective, offering additional resources to enhance mental health and wellness recovery.


"Mastering Cravings: Uniting Behavioral Therapy and Buddhist Wisdom for Addiction Recovery" provides a comprehensive guide for anyone struggling with cravings, whether related to substances, behaviors, or food. By blending therapeutic insights with Buddhist teachings, the episode offers practical strategies, mindfulness practices, and community support tips to help individuals on their path to recovery and a fulfilling life.

How to Stop Cravings

We offer many services to help you with your cravings. We have our Addiction Recovery Intensive. Which can help you stop using, tamper cravings and find peace, different from Residential and Intensive Out Patient. We also offer a Relapse Prevention Group and Addiction Counseling. Check out our services that can help you minimize or stop cravings.


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