How Can I Stop My Anxious Thoughts From Spiraling?

Anxiety is a vicious cycle. All it takes is one negative thought to creep into your mind. However, before you know it, you're cycling through multiple negative thoughts. Repeating themselves over and over with no control over them.

Anxious thoughts are often brought on unsolicited to your mind. Yet we often meet these anxious thoughts with a sense of urgency and realness as if they were brought on intentionally.

They are hard and make you question your self-worth. Through no fault of your own, they cause you to believe that the worst is going to happen. But despite no evidence of these things happening, you believe the lies they tell you.

It’s natural to think that these thoughts will never stop. That the cycle of anxiety and distress will continue to rage in your mind. This isn’t the case at all. Here are some tips to stop anxiety thoughts from spiraling out of control.

Tips For Controlling Anxious Thoughts

When you are searching for a solution to reduce anxiety the natural way, there are thankfully many options out there. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that not every solution for reducing anxiety may effectively work for you. We are all different and respond differently to different scenarios. So while it may take some time to find the best option for you, there definitely is one. Don't give up hope or become frustrated when a solution for reducing anxiety the natural way doesn't quite work for you.

Green forest through a river that is looking at a mountain in the background.

1. Remember What Is Real

Can any number of bad things happen? Absolutely. That’s just part of life. However, anxiety thoughts have a way of convincing you that these things will 100% happen. They leave no doubt in your mind that something bad might happen.

Anxiety is one of the best liars out there. For no concrete reasons, it tells you that you are not liked. That you will make a mess out of your presentation at work. That the second you step outside the door, danger will be everywhere.

Once you realize that an anxious thought is, it becomes easier to stop them in their tracks. Ask yourself “Is this actually true?” “Where is the proof that I will fail this time?”

Anxious thoughts have a way of using what happened to you in the past as “proof” that it is bound to happen again. Chances are, it won’t.

2. Grounding Techniques

One of the best ways to stop anxiety thoughts from controlling you is by distracting yourself. When you start to feel as if these thoughts are running too rampant, stop yourself by using your five senses. You can do this by identifying the following:

  • 5 things you can see

  • 4 things you can hear

  • 3 things you can feel

  • 2 things you can touch

  • 1 thing you can taste

When your brain begins to have anxiety thoughts, it latches on to them. However, by using grounding techniques, you are distracting your brain by focusing on something entirely different. By the time you finish the countdown, you should notice that the anxious thought is gone.

3. Move Around

Nobody can deny that being out in nature has a calming effect. Breathing in the fresh air, hearing the sounds of nature, and just relaxing outside can have a very powerful impact on the brain. When you add in physical activity such as walking, this is even better.

It’s similar to the techniques listed above, because nature helps to distract the mind. It gives your ears new sounds to listen to, new scents for you to smell, and so much more. It gives your brain a break from the negative thoughts that take up space in your mind.

In addition to this, physical activity releases feel good endorphins into your body. These endorphins will help you to feel more positive and happier which can counteract the negative thoughts.

Anxiety Doesn’t Have To Control Your Life

Having an anxiety disorder can really challenge your everyday life. Life is already challenging enough without adding in anxious thoughts that can spiral out of control.

Sometimes, the best way to move forward from anxious thoughts is through the support of a therapist that has a skill set in anxiety root causes, and coping skills to counteract the challenges that come with anxiety and stress. While it can feel uncomfortable at first, seeking help is very beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety. We also offer integrative approaches which include acupuncture integrated therapy. Our weekly meditation/mindfulness group has also helped those with anxiety. Reach out to us to get started. We are ready to support you with anxiety therapy when you are ready, reach out to us to begin.


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