4 Tips To Reduce Anxiety Naturally

At some point, everyone will experience anxiety in their lifetime. Some people are lucky enough that the anxiety does not stick around for long. It will go away after the event or situation that is causing them to feel nervous or worry is over. But many of us are not that lucky.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions. Not only in the United States, but throughout the world as well. Also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, (GAD) this mental health disorder affects over 6.8 million adults in the United States. And even though it is one of the most treatable mental health concerns, it is estimated that only 43.2% of the adult population is receiving treatment for it.

There are many ways that you can manage anxiety symptoms. A common way is to take medication that helps minimize the symptoms you are feeling. Medication can be incredibly useful, but maybe you want to learn other more natural ways to keep anxiety in check.

4 Tips On Reducing Anxiety Naturally

When you are searching for a solution to reduce anxiety the natural way, there are thankfully so many options out there. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that not every solution for reducing anxiety may effectively work for you. We are all different and respond differently to different scenarios. So while it may take some time to find the best option for you, there definitely is one. Don't give up hope or become frustrated when a solution for reducing anxiety the natural way doesn't quite work for you.

1. Breathing Exercises

One of the most common and effective ways to begin reducing anxiety on the spot is through breathing exercises. It may sound silly, but the way we breathe can have a massive effect on anxiety. For instance, if you find yourself starting to go into panic attack mode, you will likely experience shallow and rapid breathing. When your breath is like this, it sends a signal to your nervous system that something is wrong. And in return, your anxiety worsens as your nervous system kicks it into high gear.

There are plenty of YouTube videos on deep breathing exercises that walk you through how to do them. One tip: practice when you are relatively calm. That way, you will know how to use your breath to calm your nervous system down during an anxiety attack. Here at the Recovery Collective, we have a Mindfulness and Meditation Coach who teaches the importance of breath work and has written several articles on the breath as well.

2. Exercise

Being active is essential for your physical and mental health. You don't have to follow a super rigorous workout regimen to benefit from exercise. Even a short 10-minute walk can help reduce anxiety. As your body is engaged in physical activity, it releases feel-good endorphins that can help counteract the effects that cortisol has on your body. Cortisol is a stress hormone, so the endorphins will basically overpower that.

3. Practice Better Sleep Habits

Easier said than done. We know. It may seem super relaxing to play on your phone at night before bed to unwind, but this could be doing more harm than good. Especially if you are on social media, which is known to increase anxiety. But the blue light emitted can alter chemicals and keep you awake. Instead, try to do activities unrelated to electronics, such as reading or journaling. 

4. Aromatherapy

A great way to unwind and reduce stress is through our smell. Relaxing scents such as lavender, for instance, have been reported to reduce heart rate, improve sleep, and reduce overall anxiety.

If you are struggling to learn how to manage your symptoms, anxiety therapy can also be another great, natural way to reduce anxiety. Working with a licensed therapist can help you learn stress management techniques that can help you live a life freer from anxiety. We also offer integrative approaches, which include acupuncture and integrated therapy. A weekly mindfulness group has also helped those with anxiety. Reach out to us to get started.


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